Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a canteen at Bentley Primary School?
At present, Bentley Primary School does not have a canteen so children are required to bring their food from home. We encourage healthy food choices.
How do I let the School know if my child will be absent?
If your child is unwell or has an appointment, you can contact the school via text (0438 906 793), email (bentley.ps@education.wa.edu.au) or phone (6455 8000). We appreciate parents keeping their children home when they are unwell.
What are the School uniform colours?
Our school uniform is bottle green. School shirts can be purchased from our school office for $15 each. We do not sell other uniform items (shorts, jumpers, tracksuit pants, skorts, skirts) and recommend these are purchased from KMart, Target, BestnLess, Big W, etc. Children require a hat for outside play during recess and lunch breaks and for physical education lessons.
How can I contact my child's teacher?
Our teachers value contact with the parents of their students. Please call the office (6455 8000) or email (bentley.ps@education.wa.edu.au) and we would be happy to pass on a message for you.