The transformative learning process at Bentley Primary School is designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. Each day is filled with opportunities to experience new educational and social situations to further development. Our teachers create a safe and open setting, where they can guide students in exploring the world around them. We have whole school programmes for literacy and numeracy.
Our Programmes
Heggerty and Sounds Write
The Bentley Primary School Kindergarten uses Heggerty as an introduction to phonics. Sounds~Write is used from Pre-Primary to explicitly teach phonics.

Talk for Writing
Talk for Writing is an engaging method of teaching writing based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version. This approach is taught using three phases, Imitation, Innovation and Independent Application. Children are explicitly taught how to write specific text types and use toolkits to create certain effects in their writing. Our aim is for students to learn to write independently with confidence using extended fluency, vocabulary, imagination and accuracy at a word, sentence and text level.
Talk for Reading
Talk for Reading is our whole school approach to reading instruction. We believe strong writing skills are fed by good reading habits. Using this programme, all classes from Kindergarten through to Year 6 teach reading comprehension in a clear and logical sequence following Pie Corbett's Talk for Reading process. This is based on whole class modelling and shared reading, as well as effective guided and independent reading practices, in order to analyse and explore high-quality written texts.

Origo Stepping Stones
At Bentley Primary School, our whole school approach to the instruction of mathematics occurs through the use of Origo Stepping Stones. Additionally, all students reinforce the understanding of number operations through Numero.